Issue 3: Authentication Header Mismatch
Auth is always fun to try debugging. In this case, we’ll use Sentry’s Tracing and Span’s to help us understand what’s breaking down in the communication flow.
By default, Sentry instruments A LOT of spans, but when you want custom values and easier searchability - Custom Spans are a great option.
By instrumenting spans, we can monitor the performance and communication between frontend and backend systems, and understand where problems are happening in the application.
Update the Frontend Code
Open up
and replace the entire login call with the below code:// top of the fileimport * as Sentry from '@sentry/nextjs';// replace login section with thislogin: async (email: string, password: string) => {try {return await Sentry.startSpan({name: "Login Request",op: "auth.login",attributes: {"": AUTH_CONFIG.authHeaderName,"auth.method": "password","email.domain": email.split('@')[1] || 'unknown'}},async (span) => {// First validate the email formatconst emailRegex = /^[^\s@]+@[^\s@]+\.[^\s@]+$/;if (!emailRegex.test(email)) {span.setAttributes({"validation.error": "invalid_email_format","request.success": false});return {success: false,error: 'Invalid email format. Please try again.'};}const response = await fetch('/api/auth/login', {method: 'POST',headers: {'Content-Type': 'application/json',[AUTH_CONFIG.authHeaderName]: 'Bearer ' + btoa(`${email}:${password}`)},body: JSON.stringify({ email, password }),});// Set span attributes with response infospan.setAttributes({"http.status_code": response.status,"request.success": response.ok});if (!response.ok) {// Capture the API error with SentrySentry.captureMessage(`Login API error: ${response.statusText}`, {level: "error",tags: {errorType: "login_error",errorCode: response.status.toString(),httpStatus: response.status,authHeaderUsed: AUTH_CONFIG.authHeaderName}});// Generic error message that doesn't reveal the actual issuereturn {success: false,error: 'Authentication failed. Please check your credentials and try again.'};}const data = await response.json();if (data.user) {span.setAttributes({"auth.success": true,"":});set({ user: data.user, isAuthenticated: true });return { success: true };} else {span.setAttributes({"auth.success": false,"error.reason": "invalid_credentials"});return {success: false,error: 'Invalid credentials. Please try again.'};}});} catch (error) {console.error('Login error:', error);// Capture the exception with SentrySentry.captureException(error, {tags: {errorType: "login_error",errorSubtype: "client_exception"},extra: {authConfig: AUTH_CONFIG}});// Generic error message that doesn't reveal the actual issuereturn {success: false,error: 'An error occurred during login. Please try again later.'};}}, -
Update the Server-Side Code
Next, update the server-side code in
:// top of the fileimport * as Sentry from '@sentry/nextjs';// replace the POST section with thisexport async function POST(request: Request) {try {return await Sentry.startSpan({name: "Login API Request",op: "errorfix.login.api",attributes: {"": SERVER_AUTH_CONFIG.expectedAuthHeaderName,"http.method": "POST","http.route": "/api/auth/login"}},async (span) => {const allHeaders = Object.fromEntries(request.headers.entries());const authHeader = request.headers.get(SERVER_AUTH_CONFIG.expectedAuthHeaderName);const wrongAuthHeader = request.headers.get('Authentication');span.setAttributes({"auth.header.present": !!authHeader,"auth.wrong_header.present": !!wrongAuthHeader,"auth.all_headers": JSON.stringify(allHeaders)});if (!authHeader && wrongAuthHeader) {Sentry.captureException(new Error("Authentication header mismatch"), {tags: {errorType: "auth_error",errorSubtype: "header_name_mismatch",expectedHeader: SERVER_AUTH_CONFIG.expectedAuthHeaderName,receivedHeader: "Authentication"},extra: {headers: allHeaders,endpoint: "/api/auth/login"}});return NextResponse.json({error: 'Authentication failed',message: 'Invalid authentication credentials',code: 'AUTH_FAILED'},{ status: 401 });}const body = await request.json();const { email, password } = body;const emailRegex = /^[^\s@]+@[^\s@]+\.[^\s@]+$/;if (!emailRegex.test(email)) {return NextResponse.json({error: 'Invalid email format',message: 'Please provide a valid email address',code: 'INVALID_EMAIL'},{ status: 400 });}let userId;switch (SERVER_AUTH_CONFIG.idGenerationMethod) {case 'standard':userId = Math.random().toString(36).substring(2, 15);break;case 'legacy':userId = `legacy-${Math.random().toString(36).substring(2, 5)}`;break;case 'uuid':userId = `${}-${Math.random().toString(36).substring(2, 7)}`;break;default:userId = `user-${Math.random().toString(36).substring(2, 10)}`;}span.setAttributes({"auth.success": true,"": userId});const user = {id: userId,email,name: email.split('@')[0],};return NextResponse.json({ user });});} catch (error) {console.error('Login API error:', error);Sentry.captureException(error, {tags: {errorType: "auth_error",errorSubtype: "login_exception"},extra: {endpoint: "/api/auth/login",requestTime: new Date().toISOString()}});return NextResponse.json({error: 'Authentication failed',message: 'An error occurred during the authentication process',code: 'AUTH_ERROR'},{ status: 500 });}} -
Test the Login Flow
Reload your application and try the login flow again. You’ll still receive the login error as expected, but now with Sentry instrumentation providing error tracking, tracing, and spans.
We’re even getting another nudge from Autofix helping guide us to the root cause.
Enter Trace Explorer
Not, Autofix already spoiled part of this for us, those crafty robots - but lets continue anyways.
Navigate to Trace Explorer
Select the “Traces” tab on the left to run queries against traces and spans, and get more information on performance issues or what’s actually breaking.
Search for Login Traces
On the search bar, type in “Login” and hit enter. You may need to ensure your filters are set correctly.
Analyze the Span Details
We’ll see our Spans in the results for the login operations. Dive into the
Login API Request
span, and expand the problem sections to see more details on what’s going on.In the span attribute properties on the right, we can see we’re receiving an “Authentication header Mismatch” error.
Resolving Issue 3 - Authentication Header Mismatch
Debugging the authentication header mismatch is much easier using the combination of Sentry error monitoring and tracing. With issues we get details on the error and context around the user interaction, and tracing lets us see the request flow and capture the peoperties being passed between both.
Our debuging shows us that in the /app/api/auth/login/route.ts
, we expects an Authorization
header, however when we look at /app/lib/store.ts
we see it’s using Authentication
Locate the Problem in the AUTH_CONFIG Object
There’s an
object that contains the header name in thestore.ts
file that needs to be updated. -
Update the Header Name
Change this section:
const AUTH_CONFIG = {authHeaderName: 'Authentication',tokenPrefix: 'Bearer'};To this:
const AUTH_CONFIG = {authHeaderName: 'Authorization',tokenPrefix: 'Bearer'}; -
Save and Test
Save and update the file, reload the page, and try the login again. You should see a successful login and the checkout form!
Now, finally, everything has to be fixed. Let’s click Use test payment data
, complete our pay… well.. turns out that’s broken too.
Whoever built this application needs to step away from the keyboard.